It's all writing isn't it?

Ever since our netball club's AGM and me standing down as registrar I have been dodging the inevitable. Our Club was without a President and there were no takers. There were, however, many sets of eyes in the room looking at me. So I hid for a few weeks, said no, nope and not on your life more often than I am comfortable with, trying very hard to adhere to the advice of Sarah Knight, who's book I have been reading religiously, "The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F##k" until I caved and said, "Sure I'll be delighted!"

A great book, but the hard part is putting it into practice

Since then I have been writing like there is no tomorrow. Not creative writing mind you, but immersing myself in the riveting and complex world of Constitutions and By-Laws. I figure it's all writing. I am still practicing sentence structure and punctuation..and formatting...God, I hate formatting!!! I should be an expert by the time I am done, or bald from pulling my hair out! 

V has been practicing her animal sketches for our book Flu at the Zoo. In about 30 seconds, she filled a page full of monkey faces, each of them expressive and individual little characters. I am in awe at how easily she can create such amazing work, yet I know there has been hours and hours of practice in the background.

It's funny how when talking to people, there are so many who have dreams of doing something so removed from their day job, yet we have to still continue on doing what brings in the money because of either the cost of setting up business or the fact that a steady stream of income is needed to survive and we can't afford the risk. Another colleague of mine was telling me how her dream was to own a little coffee shop somewhere and I shared with her my dream to own a bookshop (picture "The Shop Around the Corner" in You've Got Mail), but I also wanted a Cafe in the shop and V wanted a place to sell her art, have a studio to work in and hold art classes, so we were looking at combining the two. V and I even took a proactive step and priced a few places...then we checked our bank accounts, sighed, cried a little and continued on with our paid work. Ah well, we can keep on dreaming, especially this week as I forgot to buy Lotto!

Saturday was spent in one of my favourite places, a bookshop of course and I picked up another reference book to help me with my composition- Keys to great Writing by Stephen Wilbers. I am looking forward to reading it when I have a few spare minutes...haha, I'll tell you all about it in a few weeks.
I hope this revises and expands my knowledge!

The diet this week...well, always up for something new, I tried vegetarian sausages. I have to say they really weren't that bad. The Physicist and my daughter, on the other hand, had to be bribed to even try them and neither were impressed. However, the Sciencey fellow had a few drinks that night and as alcohol tends to make one hungry, he went on the prowl for left-overs. In the fridge was my one lonely little vege sausage beckoning him to try again.

Somehow, I don't think it ended well when I opened the fridge in the morning to this...
...and yes, he even went as far as drawing the rude finger up at me!

I had a letter from Gym telling me he felt slightly neglected this week. Partly because I was lazy and partly because I decided to go for a walk one morning instead. WOW! I walked my flat walk which I did nearly 5 times a week. It's about 8kms all up, but boy did my back and legs feel it and I got a blister! grrr. This princess has to toughen up and get back into the swing of things. I did these walks standing on my head not too long ago. Well, it looks as though my weekly routine is going to get a shake up! I'll keep you posted!

Until next week, stay safe.
Fatty xxxx


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