Where does the time go?
I just realised I forgot to Blog last night and my fan base of one would be disappointed. I was doing something constructive and finishing the first chapter of my book, so I feel I have been productive this weekend. I desperately need to get away from the distraction, however. I am torn between spending time with my family, who I don't see that much off due to my paying job, and wanting some much needed me time so that I can run away and just write. I wish the weather was on my side so I could go outside somewhere in the sun and create, but the weather is so cold at the moment, my fingers freeze in rictus even when I type for an hour inside. My story so far was well accepted when I read it in Inklings. They liked my use of flashback and thought it flowed very smoothly and I received some great tips from the team as usual and they assured me I wasn't going to hell for blasphemy. Fingers crossed I can still keep the humour running through the book and not have it turn preachy....