Need more weekend in my week

Where does the time go? I can't say I have written much at all this week. Oh plenty of emails, texts, facebook comments, notes on lunches, school notes and a
list or two, but nothing really creative and I feel the same way I feel when I haven't gone to the gym for a while (oh and you guessed it, I haven't done much of that either!!). I really do have to find my mojo again. It's a little lacking in all departments this past week, culminating in a very upset digestive tract on Friday (TMI...yeah sorry, but it is funny how some things manifest in different ways).

If I want to look at positives though, I did finish a book, start another, had some family time with the people I love the most, and may have lost a kg (we shall see...weigh-in is tomorrow). So there was a little sunshine in the gloom of my foggy mind and I will take that and be happy with it hoping for finer weather this week and the fog to lift completely.

Things to look forward to this week; well it would have to be my Inklings workshop on Thursday, the long weekend and a bye for Netball, so I think that this will set the scene to kick start my creative flow once again. 

Things to put behind me; the negativity of people who constantly wear you down. I have to be mindful not to get caught up in the head space of others, especially when their head space is cluttered with their own demons. But damn, when you are faced with it on a regular basis, it's hard. Normally I would choose to walk away from those people as no matter how upbeat you are they will eventually dim your light. Unfortunately, in certain circumstances, there is no escape and I am going to have to learn to use my high beams to stun them into silence...OK, well we will see how that works... :)

So in all, nothing much to report this week, but watch this space, next week will be AMAZING...OK maybe not amazing, but pretty cool...alright maybe not even that, but it won't be meh! :)

Have a wonderful week, and may your mojo be with you.



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