Where does the time go?

I just realised I forgot to Blog last night and my fan base of one would be disappointed. I was doing something constructive and finishing the first chapter of my book, so I feel I have been productive this weekend. I desperately need to get away from the distraction, however. I am torn between spending time with my family, who I don't see that much off due to my paying job,  and wanting some much needed me time so that I can run away and just write. I wish the weather was on my side so I could go outside somewhere in the sun and create, but the weather is so cold at the moment, my fingers freeze in rictus even when I type for an hour inside.

My story so far was well accepted when I read it in Inklings. They liked my use of flashback and thought it flowed very smoothly and I received some great tips from the team as usual and they assured me I wasn't going to hell for blasphemy. Fingers crossed I can still keep the humour running through the book and not have it turn preachy.

I signed up for the Rockingham Writer's Convention and got a discount as I am now a member of SCBWI which made my day, so my weekend is officially booked with both the convention and the Bloody Long Walk. I am really not mentally or physically prepared for this walk, so I have to pull my finger out and get cracking as I don't want to waste the money I have invested in doing it.

Saturday was a write off this weekend, with netball and the weather, but Sunday made up for it with a trip to a favourite bookshop. It does take up your time from actually doing the writing. You have the drive to get there, the obligatory stop at a cafe to have coffee, the browsing, buying, distraction of other shops and when you add that to the once a week visit to mum and dad, the housework and all the other incidental things that need doing, your window for actually writing is minute. No wonder there is slow progress. I am amazed at how dedicated people who churn out novels must be, to be able to write such high volumes all the time. One day, I will have the luxury of time on my side.

Alas, time today is also running out if I don't want to look like a zombie before I get to work, so I must sign off and put some makeup on or I will be scaring quite a few people today...hmm perhaps a concept for another book  :)

Have a brilliant week

Much love


PS the Physicist taught me much about particles this weekend..their spin up and spin down effect and how they can be in two places at once...that's about all I remember...seriously I am amazed at the stuff he holds in his head. He says he wants to write a book, and he should...but there may be a divorce on his hands if he is published before I am...just saying... :)



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