An inspiring year ahead

This is the year, the year I step back from things I feel obliged to do and focus on the things I love and want to do. I've either concentrated on my diet or my fitness, my family or my creative side, but I have never really concentrated on all four at once. It's as if I can only do one to the exclusion of all others.

Time to stop reading and start doing!
So, I could be a healthy, illiterate bitch, who couldn't run out of sight on a dark night or I could be the ultimate attentive 1950's domestic goddess who drinks like a fish, whilst shovelling doughnuts into her gob, with a backside that could eclipse the sun. Of course adding a full-time job into the mix does add pressure to prioritisation.

This year, however, I am endeavouring to provide some equality to all aspects of my life and to nurture the ones that have been neglected for some time now, such as my writing.

But first breakfast, there is always time for breakfast...

...and an inspiring view.

So you have probably worked out that I am Fatty in my title Fatty and the Physicist. A no-brainer really if you saw me from behind. The Physicist is my husband. Three years into his Physics degree, he switches between interesting facts to the mind numbingly boring explanations of mathematical equations that are a surefire cure for insomnia.

He also has the annoying habit of questioning anything 'holistic', that I may decide to try. Don't get me wrong, research is important and I do a fair bit of reading before I try anything, but until I can produce three peer-reviewed papers and the scientific data to back up these findings on, let's say, the benefits of Turmeric, the Physicist feels that I am being taken in by quackery. He may be correct, but not all articles in the encyclopedia Pinterest can be wrong, surely?

You would think for all his analytical abilities, the Physicist would be mature and serious. He is, however, a contradiction in terms. A child in a man's body with a slathering of puerile and inappropriate humour, he does make me laugh, which at times is his only saving grace.

I'm a mum of four (three of my own and a ring in, in the form of my step-daughter). Where do I get the time to do anything I hear you say? Well, my two eldest are 20+ now and my step-daughter is with us part time, so I do have the occasional moment to myself if I pre-plan, set boundaries, bolt the door and say the word NO like a mantra.

To add to the chaos we have two fish, a diabetic cat, a cat with skin cancer, an arthritic dog and over excited puppy...did I tell you I am extremely grey for my age?

This blog, though rough and raw, is an outlet for my writing whilst I desperately attempt some serious work and submit some of my children's books for publishing. Whether they are accepted or not, it's all growth and a learning journey for me. It may help if I throw in a couple of writing courses as well. Nothing like doing something backwards.

Thanks for following me on my journey of rediscovery. I hope to keep you updated at least once a week.

Until next week, be inspired!


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