Inspire Me

There are days when I sit and it's like my head has gone to dust. Nothing motivates me, nothing inspires me no matter how hard I think, but really inspiration can be found anywhere. Like this morning for example. The sun was rising, I had decided (for the first time as my hubby usually does it) to take both of the dogs for a walk; Harvey who is about 3 1/2 years old and Harper who is about 6 months old. It was still dark out when I left, so walking through the park with the sun coming up, I snapped this picture to keep as something to inspire me at another time.

 However, what proved to be more inspiring is the pantomime trying to get the dogs collared and leaded up before we left the house. Harper (the youngest) in all her hyperactive puppiness, decided to jump up on Harvey whilst his collar was on, where she proceeded to get her foot wrapped in his collar and twisted so that she was choking Harvey as she struggled to get her foot our whilst yelping because she was hurting herself. In the meantime, with me yelling at her to sit still, her yelping, Harvey not being able to breathe, we all managed to wake up the house and created a very grumpy husband. Now some days it would seem that it isn't worth getting out of bed in the morning, but I have locked the event away as something to inspire me at a later date, so perhaps it was.

Like the day I got to work nice and early only to find a three-wheeled motorbike parked in the only allocated under cover car bay we are given, which for the most part of the time (being the manager), is my car parking spot.  Now at first, I was a bit excited as these bikes are not common and my brother actually owns one, so I thought Hey! my big bro has come to visit...this was, however, fleeting once logic kicked in when it was 8am in the morning and my brother doesn't know where I work (or at least that location). So I left it for a while thinking it may be a patient visiting and they would be gone soon. Two hours ticked over and the bike was still there and all our allocated bays were almost filled with more staff to come, so I went on a hunt to find the owner of the bike.

Believe it or not, the Bike belonged to a one legged man. So, here I am asking a one legged man to get on his three-wheeled bike and please move it as he's in my spot. I felt bad, but I did hold his crutches for him as he got on the bike and moved it to the ACROD bay. A crazy morning, but again, some inspiration for another day.

This past week has been gluttonous for me in many ways. I have devoured two books, something I have not been able to do in a while, whilst devouring copious amounts of calories, which is not a good thing as I have been very light on in the exercise department this week (hence the 1 1/2 hours at the gym this morning and taking the dogs for a walk). To counteract some of that binging, I have regurgitated many words and have written a long short story (or a short long story), that I hope to get published as an early reader book. There is still quite a bit of editing required, but I am putting it aside so I can see it with fresh eyes at another time.

My meet up group seems to be coming along and we plan on meeting up on the third Wednesday of each month, starting in May. I am excited that everyone else seems to be excited and I can't wait to see how things develop. I hope for it to grow organically and bring other people with like minded thoughts and passions to the table. Exciting times ahead.

I had an amazing time wandering through bookshops in Fremantle with V. We both picked up my one of my favourite childhood books, Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes, which I took much pleasure in reading as soon as I got home.

We also visited the Children's Book Illustrator's Art Exhibition where there were some amazing pieces, including a piece by James Foley.

The physicist has been plotting...graphs fortunately and not how to kill me, though I haven't seen the history on his browser. It's exam time for him, so he is head down, bum up...I just wish he would wear pants!

Back to the grind tomorrow so we can eat and pay the bills.
Have a fabulous week.
Stay inspired.


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