Need more weekend in my week

Where does the time go? I can't say I have written much at all this week. Oh plenty of emails, texts, facebook comments, notes on lunches, school notes and a list or two, but nothing really creative and I feel the same way I feel when I haven't gone to the gym for a while (oh and you guessed it, I haven't done much of that either!!). I really do have to find my mojo again. It's a little lacking in all departments this past week, culminating in a very upset digestive tract on Friday (TMI...yeah sorry, but it is funny how some things manifest in different ways). If I want to look at positives though, I did finish a book, start another, had some family time with the people I love the most, and may have lost a kg (we shall see...weigh-in is tomorrow). So there was a little sunshine in the gloom of my foggy mind and I will take that and be happy with it hoping for finer weather this week and the fog to lift completely. Things to look forward to this week; well it woul...