Time to try a new Publishing House

So I have come to thinking that perhaps my style of writing (insert humour perhaps) may not be quite what Fremantle Press are after.  Much of their work is Australian orientated and they especially love works that involve Western Australia in some way. I appreciate that, so I have decided to tackle one of the bigger publishing houses and see if I can submit my work there.

Of course, a bigger publishing house means a greater volume of work coming in across their desks. The nice thing about it is that I can submit my stories online (this saves a heap on postage), they also don't mind if you submit to multiple publishing houses at the same time (as long as you tell them if it has been accepted elsewhere). The downside is they just can't let you know if your work is unsuccessful and will only contact you if you are successful.  Understandable with the volume of work they have to sift through but you still feel you are sending your work into an empty hole never to be seen again. Let's hope they like my story enough to talk to me.

This will be the only email I get from them unless they like my work...

Thank you for submitting your manuscript for children or young adults to Penguin Random House Young Readers for consideration. Please note you will only receive this confirmation message on the first instance your email address contacts our mailbox. 

I will let you know in about 4 months time as to whether it was successful or not.

I have a great idea for a novel which I have decided to pursue. I have never written anything much more than 5000 words so this will be an interesting challenge. I spend a lot of this week researching and have made two starts on the story from two different perspectives. I am tossing up to write from first person or third person. I may polish both beginnings a little and take it to my writing group to garner their perspective.

Speaking of my writing group, I have also finished my assignment this week writing a piece that incorporated food. I think it went well, but will let you know after Thursday.

The CREATIVE COLLECTIVE finally will have its inaugural meeting this week on Wednesday. This is all for a bit of fun and an excuse to shoot the breeze and spur each other on in our various pursuits. I can't wait to get together with everyone. It seems a long time since I first mentioned the idea from us finally meeting but I think we all needed that time to deal with the other projects in our lives.

The Heartlines festival is coming up at the end of the month and in June. I am really looking forward to this and hope I can get out one weekend to explore what there is on offer.

This week I finished the book Stephen King On Writing. It was a combination of a memoir and tips for the aspiring writer and I loved it. If you are a "pantser" especially, I highly recommend it. The man is very talented. I love his perspective on thinking that writing is telepathy. He believes you get to a point in your mind, a far away point where these ideas come to you. You receive them and you write them down, channeling them from some place in the distance. Then when you write them down and people read what you write, you bring them to that same place, they see what you see. It's much the same for all the arts.Very deep and a little bit Spooky...very Stephen King.

It's Mother's Day today and my littlest picked out a great present for me, a new nightie. She knows me well I think :) 

Here's to another great week of creativity. I wish you all the inspiration in the world and the drive to pursue your dreams.

Until next week
Keep creating.



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