Too many tabs open

Ah!!!! What a week! It started with my birthday on Monday and has not stopped since! It's been crazy but enjoyable and I most definitely have felt the love these past few days.
One of the bunches of love for my birthday
Another bunch of love

The highlight of my week would have to be Inklings, the writer's group I have discovered. A great group of people and I think not just a forum for people to hear each other's work, but a place to learn different techniques. Carolyn and Gemma I thank you for creating this group, really, I am over the moon! This week was the second fortnight where we were learning about In media res. As this was the first week for me, I, unfortunately, missed last fortnight's lesson, but I think I have caught up. I do also have to catch up on the Foreshadowing workshop that was held the two previous fortnights.

I have, as I tend to do, gone in guns blazing and full of eagerness and have volunteered to write a piece for next fortnight's workshop. We will be talking about the use of food in writing and some of us had to prepare a piece to look at and for people to critique. So I put up my hand...but hey, that's what this is all about. No point in being an passive participant.

The down point of my week would have to be that my 'Monsters Around the World' book was rejected from Freo Press. Ah well, I can't dwell on that too much. I can try another publisher. My book may be rubbish but it may also just be not the right material for Freo Press. I won't know until I keep trying.

I have so much to do and I don't know quite what to do first. I have started on my assignment, I have many Children's books I have written that need polishing and revisiting, I have scribbled down a few new pieces but I haven't finished them yet and I am smack bang in the middle of an extremely interesting book by Stephen King, 'On Writing a memoir of the craft'. To top that off, I have made a promise to myself that I have to read more, so I have reopened my Audible account and instead of peddling madly to Michelle Bridges's workout songs, I will, starting tomorrow, be listening to American Gods by Neil Gaiman (this has been insisted upon by the Physicist as the movie is coming out very soon...and he loves Neil Gaiman). These are just my writing tabs that are open. I am not counting work, family, and Netball  (which at the moment is taking up a huge chunk of my Saturdays each weekend). I guess if I am smart, and as long as I am not, timing, scoring or voting, I may be able to sneak in a few chapters on Audible while the girls play.

Katherine Susannah Pritchard  (KSP Writer's Centre) had an open day today which I would have loved to have got to, but the need to wash the pile of clothes that seemed to have taken a life form all on their own outweighed the need to be social. I am still deciding whether to renew my membership to KSP. I loved the workshop with Norman Jorgensen, but I can't see anything like that coming up in the near future...however, there is the Ghost Story competition, which I did write a story last year for and failed to drum up enough courage to submit it. This year's topic is Alone, so I am thinking about entering...another tab that needs to be opened and completed.

Well, I must go, I have a book to finish and several pieces of writing to dabble with.

Until next week,
Take care



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