Got a call from the BoM...

...they said my ass was competing with the moon and affecting the, I have done something constructive and have joined Weight Watchers. Now, instead of lamenting that hormones at this stage in my life are affecting my ability to lose weight as I shove something carby and sweet into my mouth, I now have to be accountable. I know it works, it has worked before and now that it is costing me money I will make sure it works a second time this space. Hopefully, I will be occupying less of it. :) But to be honest, today, on Day 1, I could kill for a cookie!

I am fortunate to have a few more days off ahead of me (and this time with internet access.. our lines have been down and the Physicist has been close to committing homicide on any poor unsuspecting Telstra employee). Phase 1 of editing my long-short/short-long story (hoping to be an early reader book), The Cereal Killer, will commence and I hope to get some more writing done. My days have been a little hectic of late to even think of new material, so I guess perfecting what I have already is not a bad idea.

I haven't heard back from Fremantle Press about my second story I submitted. Hopefully, no news is good news and it means it has gone a little further in the selection process than Mr Magoo. I am taking that as a win even if it doesn't come through for me right at the end. Anything not to make me feel disheartened. 

I entered my first writing competition with the Australian Writers Centre for a bit of fun in their 99-word story challenge (harder than anticipated). We had to write a story beginning with...It hadn't always been blue. We then had to make sure the words, cuff, clock and crisp were in the story.

My entry...

It hadn't always been blue, over time the sun had faded the tarp, but at least the bike had been protected. Tara exhaled when she saw the 1942 India 741 Scout. Only 50,000kms on the clock, she had to have it. She ran her hand over the paintwork, the lines still crisp, no rust. Straddling the bike, it felt right. She unclipped the cuff of her jacket and twisted the throttle. Yes, this was the one she wanted.
'What do your want for it?''I'm glad you asked,' he said, as he brought the knife up to her throat.

The Armadale Writer's Festival is on next weekend and I have a ticket for Write Around Armadale so I can mingle with some like-minded writers. Many (if not all) of the writing groups around town are during the week and that makes it hard for me to participate, so I am hoping to discover a weekend group or after hours group that I can join. I am looking at attending the Literary Lunch also, which is going to be held at one of my favourite local cafes Avocados. It will all depend if the Physicist has something lined up on the Sunday for me as it's my birthday the Monday after.

This week I also booked tickets for my daughter to see her favourite author and illustrator duo, Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton. They are coming to Perth in August to promote their latest book in the Treehouse series, the 91 Story Treehouse. She is very excited. We saw them last year and they were a hoot!

Well, I will leave it there for this week and get cracking on my reading. I am currently reading The Girl on the Train, which I have been meaning to read for some time and have a couple of crime/thrillers lined up ready to go. A classic, Gorky Park, and Dregs a novel by Norwegian writer Jorn Lier Horst.

Until next week,
Stay Safe
Fatty...soon to be Fabulous :)


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