I've found a writing group!!!

It's been a busy weekend this weekend and will be a busy week ahead as my birthday celebrations (real or imagined :) ) will continue through the week. Yes, tomorrow is my birthday and I can say that I am at a point in my life where I am happy that I have got to the stage where I am following my heart and doing what makes me happy.

Today I attended the Write Around Armadale Meet-up, which brought together the Armadale, Kelmscott and Gosnells writing groups. I have been searching for a writing group for some time and it has been a difficult task as many groups meet up through the day during the week. This is great for the retired and unemployed, but this doesn't work for me. Fortunately, a local break away group from the Armadale Writer's Group has been created called Inklings and it is meeting up on Thursday evenings, every fortnight. I am so there!!! I can't wait to be involved and have a chat with some like minded people (who's average age doesn't hover around the 70's).

I also had to challenge myself and read something I wrote impromptu aloud in front of an audience. Let's say my public speaking skills have not improved, AT ALL, and if I am going to have to do this regularly, people are going to have to be patient. I know it is only practice and a matter of killing all self-doubt in your head and ignoring your take on your own self-image, but it can't be that hard surely... I just had 70-year-olds stand up with more confidence and clarity than I would ever have...oh God, what if that's how long it takes before I am that good??? Baby steps! :)

I also attended my first literary lunch with a friend. It was a lovely casual affair and it was good to hear some writer's thoughts on publication, and ways to write their stories. The discussion on whether to be a "planner" or a "pantser" is not a new one to me as we discussed this in my writing course last month. I think I fall somewhere in between with a slight lean towards the planning side of things... I need to have some structure.

My eldest daughter has given me my birthday presents a day early and I am a bit excited by them. Stephen King's book On Writing (apparently a renowned pantser when writing) and a book on getting started writing an illustrated Children's Book. Something that is right on track with what I am doing! Awesome, awesome gifts!!

On the health front, Weight Watchers has come through with me being able to lose 3.6kgs in the first week. I am fully aware that this will not continue, I have been dieting long enough to know that this is just the initial panic of my body wondering what the hell it did to me that made it suffer so. I also know that as birthday celebrations go, I am not going to be so good this week, but there is 365 days to get it right there after... and I will.

My phone has just reminded me that it is the end of the month and I have to run my reports for my paying job so I will leave my ramblings here.

Until next week,
Keep being creative



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