Feed my Soul

Feed me! Feed my mind, feed my soul! Two days of information and creativity. Two days talking with like minded people and the absolute pleasure of catching up with an amazing, verbose and thought-provoking friend. Two days of awe listening to someone who made it, and is published and knows their craft. I am at this gluttonous point of just wanting more and more and I'm not ashamed to say it. The course was awesome!

Annabel Smith did a fantastic job in taking us through our Creative Writing Course. She made the course interesting and it was great that she has had personal experience with the publishing world. Of course, I bought a couple of her books, which she signed and her message made me love her even more, but what I loved was that she was real, and her journey was real. You could relate her anxieties, and emotions and the sheer frustration of editing and re-editing.

I am very lucky that I am on leave this week so I can spend time absorbing myself in reading, writing and researching. I need focus, however, as I'm pulled in so many directions and have so many ideas that I am flipping from one thing to another. Yesterday alone, the day started at 6.00am, when I went from writing down ideas from my sleep, which will lead to a series of 3 books, to editing 16 pages of notes my mum had written about her life so I can incorporate them into her memoirs, to writing a president's report and devouring several chapters of a book. To be fair I guess, I did finish the edit and the president's report, whilst the books will be a work in progress, but the more I immerse myself in my creative world the more resentful I get of life's disruptions drawing me back out of it.

My editing skills are improving and proving useful as the Physicist often has me read over his assignments and reports. He received a high distinction in his modern physics report and the comment was that his writing is also skillful and concise. If only she knew there were a few paragraphs in there that were a bit like... 

...but I am very proud he got his HD.

I have decided to surround myself as much as possible with creative people. I am going to push past my comfort zones and go to meet ups and even create a meet up of my own with people who I think would like to chat about their journeys. 

For the time being however, I have a book to finish reading, a book to finish writing, a glass of wine to drink...oh and I have to cook dinner...looks like it's toast tonight!!! :)

Until next time
Keep doing what you love



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