Closing the week creatively.

One more week to go until my creative writing course and I can't wait. I have seriously been distracted by life in general, these past two weeks, which explains why I didn't blog last week, so I am looking forward to a full two days of creative thinking with no interruptions. 

Through the week I managed to scrawl a shell of a story which I would like to develop, and I have started to work on my mum's memoirs again, but unfortunately the need to get constitutions completed for the Netball Club has taken precedent over everything and this is the first chance (at 7.15pm on Sunday evening) that I have had any chance to write anything remotely creative this weekend.

Next week is also lining up to be a hectic one, but I am holding my breath for the weekend, where after my course, I have a week annual leave and all the time in the world to write! write! write!

My friend V has taken the plunge and has signed up to complete an illustration course which I am super excited about. I can't wait to see how this will enhance her work. She is going great guns with other people picking up and re-posting her work on Instagram. I kind of think that's a big deal and I'm really proud of her.

I had a chance to talk to another creative soul through the week who works with me...well, I say talk, I think I did most of the listening because he can talk the hind legs off a donkey. But it is always interesting to hear the how, even though his creative calling is music,  he has faced the same challenges, the same insecurities, and doubts as V and I and so many others have. So much for being one of the "Men with all the Answers". :) Rock on Paul!

The Physicist has a cold. He hasn't developed full blown dying yet, but give it time. He still managed to study his butt off this weekend, so I can't say he isn't dedicated. Though secretly I think he thinks, if I see him lose momentum for even a second, I am going to kick him out and tell him to get a job...and he just may be right! :) He did show me something funny today. John Travoltage
By moving John's hand or leg, you charge him up and get sparks flying. OK it's geeky but a bit of fun all the same.

With Easter coming up the shops are full of chocolate and I have consumed my fair share this weekend, curse you Cadbury 17gram hunting eggs! I have got to get back on track. I need to organise myself, my surroundings, my schedule, my head and then my diet and exercise will follow suit. I know what to do, I just have to do it. I have no early morning meetings this week so there is no excuse not to get to the gym either. Stop rolling your eyes, this is the week it will all fall into place.  Yeah OK even I have a smirk on my face :) :)

Well until next week, stay safe.
I can't wait to tell you all about my course!!

Super excited!!


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